Saturday, January 3, 2009


How often have I started writing a post and then thought, maybe I could write this article better and saved it and then never bothered to come back to it. I was just seeing my list of posts and I could atleast find about 5 saved drafts. Maybe, this too is a type of procrastination or maybe its just mere lack of interest.
Procrastination does creep in everytime we start multitasking or sometimes even doing simple tasks. When we don't really feel urgency to do things, we take them for granted and end up postponing them to infinite time or sometimes just discard doing them.

Maybe it wasn't really important that it could have been ignored, but once we start this habit of procrastination it slowly tends to grow and can slowly start effecting outcomes of bigger things too. The worse part is sometimes we give up without actually trying and putting in least of efforts. It might have been something trivial, but off late this habit seems to have grown on me, neglecting to do lots of trivial stuff, maybe I have really become lazy or probably the routine stuff doesn't excite me enough.

Sometime back, a clock in my room stopped working, I had to replace its cell, but somehow I couldn't find time or rather didn't bother to get one for atleast 15 days. I got used to seeing the clock which showed 11.20. I finally managed to get a pair of batteries when I had gone to get some other stuff and I was somehow reminded of it.It's been a month now since I got the batteries and I still have not replaced them. This may be really trivial but thats not the point, there are many such things which are left undone or halfdone and when someone reminds me about it after sometime I feel really silly not to have done it coz it wouldn't have taken any time doing it and I wouldn't have caught the attention of others for not doing something, I was recently all Ga-Ga over SLR's that when I last went to the US, I picked up a Canon SLR and paid a huge sum for it, not that I wanted to be a professional photographer or not because I didn't have a camera at all, matter of fact we got one very recently. But still I was all exciting and then thought it was worth getting one, I had no clue how to use one, even before learning the basics, I did a research on which brand to go for and specs on each models and stuff. Again, after the initial excitement was over, the cam is now lying around untouched and still I haven't figured out how to use it.

I know there's a positive side to procrastination, but I am not sure if I would fall into that category, I would like to stop here for if I go on longer it could become one of those other few things I have written half way and things half done. My first fight against procrastination, here I am, writing this post and hesitantly clicking the "Publish Post" button.

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